Monday, October 10, 2011

Chapter 8


Chapter 8 discusses dating and mating. It explains the latent and manifest functions of dating. The manifest functions are maturation, fun and recreation, companionship, love and affection, and mate selection. Latent functions of dating are socialization, enhancing social status, fulfillment of ego needs, sexual experimentation and intimacy, and business for the economic market for products and services. This chapter describes the dating spectrum which covers traditional dating, contemporary dating, and traditional- contemporary combinations. Chapter 8 talks about various ways people meet each other such as personal classified advertisement, mail-order-brides, professional match makers, speed dating and cyber dating. The chapter end with how people choose whom they date by physical appearance, social class, ethnicity, age, religion is called homogamy. Hetergamy is determining the persons thoughts on social living.

Interesting/Unusual Items:

Chapter8 is interesting it talks about physical abuse for a little in relationships something that is rarely ever talked about. I believe that men and woman should not have to deal with any type of abuse rather verbal or physical.


What does dating really mean to people as individuals? Do people get tired of dating? If people get tired of dating why get tired and what do they do?


  1. I think dating has different meanings to different people. Dating could be a lifestyle for a person who oddly, in my opinion, never wants to settle down. I think dating for females is more emotional than for males, because I think males can take a woman out on a date and choose to date her again or just date someone else where as females if they like the person doesn't seem as if they usually have the deciding vote of whether or not the couple will date again. In some cases they do, but I think because men most of the time initiate dating they might have more power over the situation. I'm certain that dating amongst cultures varies, but I couldn't give you a specific example-just speaking from a place of common sense. I think people do get tired of dating, if they're not successful in finding anyone they think they can settle down with or have been dating the same person for an extended period of time. Some people withdraw from dating altogether and from searching for a partner in general. Some unfortunately, jump into the quickest relationship possible when they get a chance, and find themselves unhappy in their relationships. I think we fail to realize that because we have many different standards, beliefs, and desires that love or even dating will take time and effort that most of us don't want to put in.
