Monday, October 31, 2011

Chapter 13


In Chapter 13the information learned includes:
- Due to the bad economy, a majority of Americans have been concerned about surviving financially.

- 3 reasons why people are losing macro-level economic ground:
• Deindustrialization
• Globalization
• Offshoring

- Income helps define a person’s social class

- The 3 social classes are:
• Upper
• Middle
• Lower

- Low- Wage Jobs:
• 26% of all workers currently fall into the working poor category
• Almost 50% of the working poor full-time employees do not have health insurance
• Millions of low-income workers are subjected to “wage theft” due to Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division does not enforce minimum wage, overtime, and child labor laws

- Nonstandard work hours:
• Are most common among:
 Men
 African Americans
 People who work in service occupations and hospitality industries
• 2 out of 5 people in the United States works weekends, evenings, or nights

- In 2008 the minimum poverty line income for a family of four was $21,834, which consists of 2 adults and 2 children

- The poverty line income is adjusted every year due to inflation of cost of living

- A family cannot receive public assistance if they make a $1 more than the poverty line figure. It is not considered being poor.

- Poverty affects:
• Women
• Children
• Racial-ethnic minorities

- 2 reasons why people are poor:
• People blame the poor
• Others point-out societal factors

- Women are working more due to the decline in men’s employment which is mainly affected by social and economic factors

Trailing Spouses- When one spouse gives up their current position in the work place, and searches for work where their spouse has found a position.

Commuter Marriage- Where a married couple lives, and works in different geographical areas. The married couple meets at different times such as weekends.

Interests/ Unusual Items Learned:

In chapter 13, I found it interesting that some work places are now allowing mothers to bring their newborn babies to work.


As I was looking at Figure 13.8 on page 372 and figure 13.9 on page 373, the figures pointed out the difference in earnings and shows a gender gap in the workplace. When I was looking at the diagrams I was getting frustrated as I began to see the difference in the pay rate between people.

When I was a pastry chef, I found out that a male cook was making more than me, and I swear to you I had more responsibilities than he did. Finally, I did end up getting a pay raise at the end of an ordeal, but why does it have to be like that? What are your thoughts on the gender pay gap?

Natalie Sebula


  1. I'm very sorry about the situation you were in, but it's great that you got it figured out in the end! I don't think there should be a difference in the payment between males in females. I understand seniority, but favoritism of males over females is very wrong. My aunt is in engineer in Virginia and she is always complaining that she never gets to move up in her work because she is not a white middle-class male. She is equally, if not more, qualified than most of the men in her work, but she never gets the same opportunities as the males.

  2. Aww thanks Kelly!

    I agree with you fully! Sorry to hear about your aunt. It can be frustrating. I hope your aunt can catch a break soon!
