Monday, October 31, 2011

Chapter 13

1. Summary
Jobs are often lost due to deindustrialization (reduction of jobs), globalization (moving jobs around the world), and offshoring (sending jobs to other companies). In the United States, the rich continue to keep getting richer--they control over ⅓ of the sea;th. That bottom 40% control 0.2%. The CEO of GM was asked if he would accept a cut in a 2.2 million dollar salary. He resounded that he had a son in college that he, somehow, had to help pay for. Greed definitely has played a part in the collapse of jobs in America. This is while "the middle class is struggling" and the "low working class is barely surviving." The economy is affecting our families by paying low-wage jobs, and by not assigning standard working hours. Minimum wage is lower than it was in the 1960's when inflation is accounted for, working full time on minimum wage places you below the poverty level, and health insurance is often not provided for. Unemployment and homelessness are now affecting more and more people: rom all races and ethnicities, genders, and ages, more people are being placed below the poverty line. Women are often expected by society to work and to raise a family. This is often difficult and causes some women and men to cover the "second shift." Currently, men are decreasing in the labor force, while women are increasing. This is due to the economic situation and more opportunities being opened for women. Also, more and more men are becoming stay at home dads. Some are just unemployed, while others enjoy the opportunity to watch their child grow up. The benefits of this option is that it allows the father to be able to become very involved in their child's life; however, they may also lose some of the business skills that they previously earned. With two-income families, both parents are bringing in a salary that allows for a higher class of families, allows both parents a line of support incase of separation, but it does reduce the amount of time each of them can spend with their child. Sometimes, a company requires an employee to move to another location in order to keep his job. This often invokes a trailing spouse--when the spouse gives up their line of work in order to move the family. They must then find a new line of work at the new location, but often times they do not get much help in this area. Sadly, there is still a lot of sexual harassment and unfairness directed towards women and minorities in the work place. Women tend to earn only 75% of what a man earns generally. Sexual harassment became illegal in the 1960's, but sadly it still exists in forms of verbal behavior, nonverbal behaviors (being displayed inappropriate photos, etc), and, most disturbingly, physical contact. The CEO of American Apparel holds meetings in his underwear and calls women working for him sluts.

2. Interesting
I am unbelievable surprised that the CEO of American Apparel would treat his employees like that. Especially with it being such a popular company, I wouldn't think he would act so degradingly towards women.

3. Questions
Girls--would you be comfortable earning more than your husband?
Guys--would you be comfortable with your wife earning more than you?


  1. I think I would be comfortable with earning more than my husband, but I can't imagine a man being content with that.

  2. I would also be comfortable with earning more money than my husband. I realize men and women think differently but the way I see it, if you're married and sharing the money, why does it matter who made more of it? It's almost as if you're mentally separating the money that's in a joint account, if that makes sense.

  3. I'd be comfortable with it too, but for me it's a bit of an independence issue. As if I can't be truly independent unless I earn more or something.

  4. I would feel plenty comfortable earning more than my husband. My mom earns more than my father and although that can be attributed to her being a white collar worker, and him being a blue collar worker, I feel that he has learned to accept it. Although my current living situation helps aid me in my view I can see why some females would not feel comfortable with earning more, especially depending on what type of guy they marry. It is also interesting to me because although my mom does earn more money than my dad, they have divided their paychecks to each go toward specific bills. For example my mom pays all of the utilities whereas my dad pays for the everyday living expenses such as food, gas, activities, etc. I feel like by splitting the bills up in this manner it helps allow the man to be comfortable with the female earning more because he can obtain instant gratification by paying for the immediate essentials.
