Dating has changed over time and traditional dating is not always typical. From speed dating to online dating to arranged marriages; there are so many ways to find your partner. The primary goal of dating, no matter how, is to ultimately be in a committed relationship such as marriage. Most people marry or are in a committed relationship with someone who is like themselves and will allow them to grow as a person. We set rules or expectations when we start dating and hopefully find our soul-mates. Dating and finding your life partner will make you feel complete and also help your partner feel complete. While dating to find your life partner is most common, there are other ways to find your mate or even have a mate kidnap you or have your family arrange for you to have a life partner or marriage. Overall, people are in search of love and to not be alone in the world. If you can find someone to love and someone who loves you back, then your world will be a happier and fulfilling.
New Items Learned
I didn't know that in parts of Turkey and China men would abduct women to be their brides. It is hard to believe that this kidnapping is almost accepted by their societies. Even though it is illegal it still is happening and little seems to be being done to enforce the law.
How do families influence or impact your decisions when choosing a mate? What if they don't influence your decisions; how will your family feel about your mate?
Brian Bitner
I think families greatly influence ones decision on choosing a mate. Their opinion on their qualities effect whether or not their child will choose to continue the relationship with said mate. Great question.