Monday, November 14, 2011

Chapter 14: Family Abuse, Violence, and Other Health Issues

INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE- occurs between 2 people in a close relationship
Types of Intimate Partner Violence
Physical abuse- occurs when a person hurts or tries to hurt a partner using physical force
Sexual abuse- forcing a partner to take part in a sex act when she or he doesn't consent
Emotional abuse- threatening a partner or his or her loved ones or possessions or harming a partner's sense of self-worth
The Prevalence and Severity of Intimate Partner Violence
Some Characteristics of Abusive and Violent Households: gender, age, race and ethnicity, social class
familycide- murdering one's spouse, ex-spouse, children, or other relatives before attempting or committing suicide
Marital Rape- an abusive act in which a man forces his wife to have unwanted sexual intercourse
The Cycle of Domestic Violence
battered-woman syndrome- a condition that describes a woman who has experienced many years of physical abuse and feels incapable of leaving her partner
Phase 1: the tension building phase
phase 2: the acute battering incident
phase 3: calm (the "honeymoon phase")
Why Do Women Stay?: negative self-concept and low self-esteem, belief that the abuser will change, economic hardship and homelessness, need for child support, shame or guilt, blaming themselves, fear, the home becomes a prison
Women Who Abuse Men
CHILD MALTREATMENT- includes a broad range of behaviors that place a child at serious risk or result in serious harm, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse. child abuse used interchangeably with this term.
What is Child Maltreatment?: physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, emotional abuse
Prevalence and Characteristics of Child Maltreatment: victims, perpetrators, fatalities
Sexual Abuse and Incest
Why Do Adults Abuse Children?: substance abuse, stress, poverty, partner abuse, divorce, and a combination of factors
How Abuse Affects Children
Sibling Abuse: physical and emotional abuse, sexual abuse
siblicides- killing of a brother or sister, and they account for more than 2 percent of all murders nationwide
Adolescent Abuse: prevalence of adolescent abuse, some consequences of adolescent abuse
sandwich generation- they must care not only for their own children but also for their aging parents
Elder abuse- includes physical abuse, negligence, financial exploitation, psychological abuse, deprivation of basic needs, isolation from friends and family, and not administering needed medication
Who Are the Victims?
Who Are the Abusers?
Why Do They Do It?: living arrangements, social isolation, alcohol abuse, impairment of the caregiver or the care recipient, dependency of the older person on the care-giver, medical costs and financial stress personality
Patriarchy or Male Dominance Theory
Social Learning Theory
Resource Theory
Exchange Theory
Ecological Systems Theory
Using Several Theories
Substance Abuse: illegal drugs, alcohol
Depression and Suicide
depression- mental disorder characterized by pervasive sadness and other negative emotions that interfere with the ability to work, study, sleep, eat, and enjoy experiences that ere formerly pleasurable
Eating Disorders: overweight and obesity, binge eating
anorexia nervosa- dangerous eating disorder that is characterized by a fear of obesity, the conviction that one is fat, significant weight loss, and refusal to maintain weight within normal age and height limits
bulimia- cylcical pattern of eating binges followed by self-induced vomiting, fasting, excessive exercise, or use of diuretics or laxatives
Raising Awareness about Family Abuse and Violence
Preventing Family Abuse and Violence
Intervening in Family Abuse and Violence

Points of Interest
In the section that talked about familycide, it reminded me of a tragedy that happened in my town. The father of my sister's friend killed his wife and children before killing himself. I couldn't find an article on it, but my sister has a tattoo of her friend's name, Shawn Kramer, in memory of him.
Reading this whole chapter reminded me of a book I read over the summer: "A Child Called It". It is about one of the worst cases of abuse in California, written by the child that was abused once he became an adult. The story was very sad and contained very detailed descriptions about the abuse along with how it made the boy feel during the time of abuse.

Do you think obesity in young children can correspond with depression? I remember a great majority of the kids that got bullied in school were overweight. I was just wondering if anybody knew of any studies that maybe showed a correlation between obesity and depression? Or any factors at all that correlate with depression?


  1. Hi Kelly,

    I am actually studying to be a nutritionist. I watch I used to be fat on Mtv. Majority of those kids have an unfit parent, parents are divorced, or they have a hard time making friends. I do think depression plays a part of child obesity. However, I do not think that is the only reason why children are overweight. I think children lack exercise, and knowledge on healthy eating.

    I know that the freshman research program here at Pitt is doing a study on child obesity and depression. I do not know the ending results of that study because I was not picked for it.

    I thought I heard depression is genetically based?

  2. Thanks for writing this research on such an important social topic! You are totally right saying that many people have no any idea what goes through a victim’s mind, unless they have experienced domestic violence themselves. The deep-seated fears are very real and are not imagined. Women should't be afraid to divorce! In case you are looking for any information as to the financial aspects of the divorce process, you may click here to find out all the essential information.
