Thursday, November 17, 2011


When we were talking about the number of violence that is under reported yesterday during class, I couldn't help to think about how it might be because people are scared about the repercussions of it. I know personally that if I was getting abused I would be terrified to tell the authorities because the abuser might come out an attack me worse than before. I think I would also be scared because what happens if the authorities don't take my report of violence and abuse as something serious. If you don't know anyone who has been through a similar situation, you might even be afraid to tell a friend because you don't know if they will look at you in the same manner as a friend is expected to. Without a support group or person, finding the proper and safest way to tell the authorities could present a major challenge. Although I would feel like I would need to tell the authorities, report the abuse, and try to find an exit from the relationship, I still feel that it would not only endanger me, but anyone else who knows about it. The report of the violence may cause the attacker to be so angry that it could result in a death of me or anyone else who might know about the circumstances. To solve all of these apprehensions, I think this type of situation should actually be taught in schools when children are younger. The longer that a person knows all of their options, it helps them feel more confident about the routes that they should take if ever placed in a situation like this.

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