Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chapter 16

1) Chapter 16 is about remarriages and stepfamilies that come out of that. It starts off by describing what it's like to be single again and start dating and cohabitation all over again. Then, it discusses the formation of a stepfamily. The next section is about characteristics of remarried couples. The the actual process of remarriage is talked about. The next part listed the differences between first marriages and remarriages. Then, dynamics between couples in stepfamilies was the next section. After that the diversity and complexity of stepfamilies was discussed. What it's like to live in a stepfamily was talked about next. Then, last, successful remarriages and stepfamilies.

2) One thing I thought was interesting was the different types of remarriage. The book listed every type of "remarriage" a couple has to go through. This consisted of emotional, psychic, community, parental, economic, and legal remarriage. I think this was something good and interesting to bring up because I think a lot of people forget about how much changing a marriage can truly change every aspect of life for someone.

3) One question I had was about the remarriage myths. These seemed like they would pretty commonly occur to me, so I was wondering if anyone in class has either had first-hand experience with any of the myths or if they have witnessed it in other families?

Natalie LaBarbera

1 comment:

  1. I don't have any personal experiences with these myths. Although it's remarkable how cinemas and entertainment (i.e. movies, books) portray stepfamilies in some of the ways that are defined by the myths. How many movies do you see that portray stepparents or plots involving remarriage regarding "the rescue fantasy" and "the compensation myth?"
