Saturday, September 10, 2011

Chapter 1 Reading

1.) Chapter one goes into many different topics. First, it starts out with talking about how the family is defined, then moves into the different types of families--family of origin, family of orientation, family of procreation, and how they all begin to form a larger kinship system--myths about changing American families, and most importantly how the family is changing. Many different things are affecting the modern family. From technology, the increase in divorce, remarriage, cohabiting couples, and one-parent families, it is no wonder that our families are not the same as those fifty years ago.
2.) I really found the myth section to be very interesting. Especially in the section about the past--the article, "The Diary of a Pioneer Daughter," was a definite surprise! It completely ruined any nostalgic ideas I had about the families from the past. Also interesting was the section about the "perfect marriage." How the author described it as intending to take a vacation to Florida and ending up in the Swiss Alps was such a cool metaphor. Lastly, I found the section about what is "natural" really interesting. The questions it brought up about homosexuality, child free marriages, and how it is natural to want to start a family were all very valid points.
3.) What are your views on the marriage movement? Do you think it is good because it is preserving tradition? Or do you feel it is bad because it is intruding onto people's lives?
--Bonnie Noel

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