Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chapter 4


Chapter four discusses how diversity within the families of the United States, are increasing rapidly. It also describes the different ethnicity found here in the United States. Simply explaining how the United States is a Melting Pot. African American families, Latino Families, Asian American families, American Indian families, and Middle Eastern families have a distinctive family structure that makes up the United States of America as a society. Interracial relationships, interethnic relationships, and marriage are discussed in this chapter, and how these relationships are increasing in the United States.

Interesting/Unusual Items:

I found it interesting to find out about the different people that make up this society. I believe that in this time and age it is very useful to be cultural diverse. In just everyday life you come across so many people who live life different than you do. To not pass judgment on someone because they are different, learning the differences will make you a stronger person. Even within someone’s career choice just by giving someone respect because of their differences will get you a long way in life.


Illegal immigration I will never fully understand. How does one enter the United States legally? How does the United States have so many illegal immigrants? Why are illegal immigrants children once born in the United States are not illegal immigrants like their parent? The United States With help support an illegal immigrants child but not their parents???


  1. You ask, how one enters the U.S. legally. Foreigners can get travel visas, work visas, and apply for green cards. For example, my Mom is from Scotland and when she married my Dad, she got a visa, after having the visa, she applied for a green card. In order to get her green card, my parents had to show proof of marriage and they also had to show my Dad's military orders.

  2. Now was your mom already illegally living her when she was married or was she in Scotland?
