Sunday, December 18, 2011

Everything Except the Ring

If you turn on the television and follow your favorite celebrity, you may notice that they are in a serious relationship. Now if you take a glance at his/her left ring finger, you may see that it is bare. That is because a lot of people do not see the point in getting married. Some men even say that the wedding is really for the women because of the public viewing and solidifying the couple's love. people sometimes are perfectly fine with living together, having kids, going to church together, and going on many dates. When it comes to marriage they just don't see the point. A journalist did an article about a personal experience with the issue at hand. She said she had been pressing the issue with her current boyfriend and he would ask her, "What is the point?" She responds with answers like; public avowals, presents, or Le Creuset? Then she said that she moved on to another topic which had to do with babies. Her boyfriend then expressed that he would be willing to have a baby with her but not get married.

It turns out that this was not a rare incident with the journalist and her boyfriend. More than 5 million unmarried couples cohabit in the U.S., nearly eight times the number in 1970, and a record-breaking 40% of babies born in 2007 had unmarried parents. That is a 25% raise from 2002. More and more unmarried births are occurring with women between the ages of 25-29, which has doubled since 1980. This is heavily due to the committed umarrieds as one sociologist put it.

A guy by the name of Raymond McCauly says that he and his partner will not get married even after being together for 5 years and have a pair of twins. He and his partner both got divorced, by someone else, in their 20's and it was so bad as he exclaimed. He drew a good analogy of getting married again being equal to receiving food poisoning. He said, "You don't want to eat that thing again, even if you know it's perfectly fine this time." In my opinion this could hold true but it only depends on how your first marriage ended. It makes you wonder if marriage is on it's way out. Do you really need it to be happy with someone you love? A Johns Hopkins professor noted that unmarried parents in Europe stay together longer than married parents in the United States. So maybe marriage is not what makes love stronger but just love itself, or time with love. Some may feel that if you spend all this money on a wedding then get a divorce then that was a waste of an investment. Take Kim Kardashian and Chris Humphries for example; they had the biggest wedding only to get divorce two months later. This article really helped me to be optimistic about getting married.

Question: Do you feel that not being married and having children has a lasting affect on that child? Also, do you feel marriage solidifies a couple's love?

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