1) Chapter 14 is about a very serious topic that unfortunately occurs in some families, family abuse, violence, and other health issues. It starts out with a discussion of violence and partner abuse between intimate couples. It talks about 3 main types of abuse: physical, sexual, and emotional. Also included were some reasons why people stay in abusive relationships including negative self-concept/self-esteem, belief the situation will change, economic reasons, children, shame and guilt, self-blame, fear, and the home becoming a prison. Next, there is a section on child maltreatment. The types of child abuse are slightly different. They include physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, and also neglect. Next, was a part about "hidden victims" including siblings and adolescents. Next, there was a section on abuse and neglect of elderly people. The next section was about violence in different racial or ethnic groups. Also included in this section there was violence between same sex couples. The next section attempted to explain why these horrible things occur sometimes. After that, there was a discussion of other health issues that can affect families. Last, there was a part about how to combat violence and abuse.
2)I thought the part about the different ways siblings abuse each other was important to bring up, because often (like the title "hidden victims" implies) it is often ignored, unseen, or just not taken seriously. The things the book brought up were name calling and ridicule, degradation, intimidation, torturing/killing a pet, destroying personal possessions, and sexual abuse.
3) There was a very short section included in the chapter on women abusing men, and it lists as one of the reasons men are less likely to be abused is because they are better off economically. Do people think that abuse of men in relationships is in danger of becoming more common with women getting more high-paying jobs? Also, do people think that having a good job necessarily will make it easier for a woman to get out of an abusive relationship?
Natalie LaBarbera
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