Sunday, December 18, 2011

Religion and Marriage

Jay Oriola

Religion and Marriage

I recently read an article that brought two of our society’s most controversial topics together, marriage and religion. It centered on the idea of religion being a big issue when couples decide to get married. It dodges the specific religions and discusses religion from an objective and general point of view. It weighed the pros and cons of being in a marriage with different religions. Some pros for having the same marriage as your partner centered on the fact that there would be a spiritual union between the two, so both would be on the same page is most regards. Also, most values and morals sometime align with ones religion, so if one partner may be lacking concerning their spirituality, the other can help them out and they can prosper as a couple.

Some Pros to not having the same religion in a relationship were that different perspectives would bring a broader view to your partner as well as this would be private time for each partner to concentrate and meditate by themselves. Cons for both paralleled each other, but what I was most interested in is when they brought children into the equation. Some questions that surfaced about the issue were what would the religion of the child be as well as which one would override the other in the family came up? My question to readers is do you think religion should be discussed early in a relationship or saved till much later on?

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