Monday, December 19, 2011

Effects of Divorce on Children

When searching for an article to write a summary on I read through an article entitled "Longitudinal Studies of Effects of Divorce on Children in Great Britain and the United States" by various contributors. As I read through the statistics and various studies that were conducted in the United States and Britain alike I began thinking about the different effects of divorce on different types of children. I read an article earlier this year that gave statistics about the different financial effects of divorce on the mother and father when a child is involved, and as I was reading this new article I thought about what financial situation the children studied were in. The effects of divorce on children is usually great no matter what the circumstances are, which can be seen in the article, but I can't help but to think that children faced with financial troubles are effected even greater than those who have two parents with an income great enough to live comfortably. Being from a lower socioeconomic neighborhood I have seen the different effects of some of the better off people than the divorces that I saw around my neighborhood and the huge differences that were made on the children in both situations. I am not trying to discredit this article, but I think it would have been nice to see the different effects not only based on age and gender, but also family income and living situation as well. I feel that all of these factors can greatly increase or decrease the effects that a divorce has on a child and if these variables were added to the study it would have been that much better.

My question for everyone is how credible is the article since it doesn't really use a parent's income as a variable for the changes recorded in a child after a divorce? The economic status of a family can effect children even living with both parents, and since it has been seen that the economic status of both parents suffer after a divorce, children who were in a household who were only making under say $75,000 would be effected more than a household where the parents combined income is greater than that. I just thought that it was an interesting topic and wanted to know some other opinions on it.

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