Chapter 5 discusses how sex and gender have unique differences. It states how sex is biological, it is what you are when you are born as to gender being social, and it is what society thinks. It also talks about myths with gender roles and gender identity. Nature vs. nurture was next in this chapter describing how biological and social facts could be responsible in determining gender behaviors and roles. Sociobiology, Cognitive Learning Theory, Symbolic Interacting Theories, and Feminist Theories was described in this chapter as ways to form human behavior.
Interesting/Unusual Items:
I find it interesting that society separates its people to believe that man and woman have different roles because men are stronger but woman are smarter. If one stays true to themselves no matter what society thinks they will be happy within themselves to explore a life without negative enforcement.
Why is it that men and women are not equal people? Even as a young child boys always were able to do more than girls, like stay out longer, stay up later, start dating earlier and so on, is that fair to a woman. Why is it ok for a man to carry on multiple relationships and not notify any of the women of his behaviors? But if a woman expresses the same type of behaviors she is not glorified.
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