Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chapter 4 Blog


Chapter Four discusses attitudes about immigrants, both legal and illegal, and the advantages and disadvantages about them. Race, ethnicity, and racism, discrimination, and prejudices were defined and described in terms of what different groups face. The different family values, gender roles, economic statuses and problems, structure, strengths, and other topics of African American, Native American, Latino, Asian, and Middle Eastern families were focused on. Lastly was a talk about interracial/ethnic relationships and how mixing of the races is much more common in today’s society.

Interesting Item:

I thought the section about how Asian American families discipline their children was interesting because of how Asians stress bringing honor to the family and use the psychological punishment of guilt to teach kids how to behave. I was surprised about the extremes to which an Asian parent would go to make sure their child had good schooling. Also, the box titled “How to Be a Perfect Taiwanese Kid” seemed incredibly far-fetched because I could see some kids being able to achieve or liking some of those goals, but that’s so much to aspire to or want.


The chapter addressed the topic of alcohol and Native Americans and the stereotypes about it, but it didn’t really say much about how drinking affects the familial unit, just Natives as a group.

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